Method to improve writing and support learners through the iterative process of writing across curricula and producing meaningful, authentic essays based on real-world content. Past participants know: Everyone Can Write!

Tracy Rowles photo. Used with permission.
COMING SOON! Available for pre-order. Cross-curricular, inclusive writing program Everyone Can Write About Whales and Everyone Can Write About Vervet Monkeys has been presented to students in grades 3 – 8 in Connecticut, Hawaii USA and Abu Dhabi, UAE since 2006. Participation leads to increased scores on high-stakes tests, and competence and confidence while honing Math, Science, ICT and Social Studies skills.
Participants practice the iterative process of writing accessing multiple intelligences and learning styles through a series of multimodal explorations involving the senses: example include witnessing the sounds and sights of whales and Vervet monkeys in the wild; developing vocabulary banks; comparing and categorizing features of cetaceans and/or monkeys; mastering a variety of graphic organizers as a resource for production of a rough draft composition; enhancing use of punctuation in more sophisticated sentence construction; creating and naming models of whale tails and monkeys, comparing cetacean, monkey and human communication; accessing internet resources for tracking, charting and analyzing population migration and/or movement facts and data; exploring global and local threats to cetaceans and Vervet monkeys, and positive actions and outcomes through active and purposeful listening, research and writing.
Learners are engrossed in student-centered, individual and flexible group researching, drafting, composing, reviewing editing, revising and collaborating, culminating in the final workshop, “Authors Present“.
This is a fun but hard-core writing workshop where learners work the art of writing. All writers are engaged and learn something about our magnificent and beloved fellow mammals of the land and sea.